The ITSO office is the only officially recognized agent for Club La Santa timeshare resales, and is based at the resort in Lanzarote. We provide information and guidance to all timeshare owners and ITSO members. You are welcome to visit our official website for full information about the organization.
- When you are going to use your Timeshare, you must have paid the TSO service fee and completed and submitted an "Arrival confirmation".
- The deadlines are as follows:
Request for apartment exchange: 3 months before the start of the TSO week*.
Payment of service fee: 3 months before the start of the TSO week*.
Submission of arrival confirmation: 3 weeks before arrival
*TSO week is the week you are contracted for, as per your TSO ownership certificate.
- You must complete and submit a confirmation of arrival at least 3 weeks before arrival.
- If you have more than one apartment, you must submit one confirmation of arrival per apartment.
- Conditions for free transfer:
You (the timeshare owner or borrower/renter of a timeshare apartment) and your travel company are entitled to free transfers between Arrecife Airport and Club La Santa once you have completed and submitted a TSO Arrival Confirmation at least 3 weeks before your arrival date. Any subsequent changes must be notified by email to the Club La Santa reservations department as soon as you become aware of them.
If parts of your travel company arrive at different times on the same day as you, the above guidelines also apply to them. So they can get a free transfer once you have met the conditions.
If Club La Santa has agreed to an internal exchange of arrival/departure day for any reason, there is no right to a free transfer unless the exchange has been agreed because of lack of available flights from Germany and the Benelux countries, or from other specific agreed locations.
- Free Transfer Guidelines:
As a general rule, you must use Club La Santa's buses. You may bring large or special luggage on the bus, provided there is space. In the days leading up to your arrival, you can find bus departure times here:
Departure times
If there is no bus within an hour of your arrival time, you can take a taxi and get a refund at reception, on presentation of a taxi receipt. Please call reception first as there may be changes to the buses that are not shown on the transfer list.
The above guidelines apply whether you are staying in your own timeshare or in a timeshare exchange apartment at a different time than usual. Likewise, they apply when you stay in a regular tourist apartment in the week before and/or after your timeshare week.
- Return transfer
You must contact the guide department at Club La Santa at least 2 days before departure (before 3pm) to arrange the transfer, and confirm the departure time. If the transfer with our buses involves arriving at the airport more than 3 hours before your departure time, you can take a taxi. You will be given a taxi voucher before departure.
- Contact information for us:
Tel. to reception: +34 928 599999
Mail to the reservations department: (remember to write in English)
- If you wish to exchange your apartment, the deadline is 3 months before the start of the TSO week*.
- You request an exchange by submitting the Exchange of Apartment form below.
- You can exchange the apartment for the same apartment size, unless otherwise agreed.
- You can exchange your stay with your immediate family.
- You cannot exchange apartments during school holidays.
- Payment of the service fee must be made immediately after Club La Santa has confirmed that your exchange request can be processed and, if applicable, that there are available seats on the flight.
- If the service fee is not paid immediately, the exchange request will automatically lapse after 8 days.
- Your exchange request is not finally approved until Club La Santa has registered your payment of the service fee.
- If you wish to exchange your TSO week(s) through RCI, please remember that the service fee must be paid when depositing one of your TSO week(s) in RCI.
*The TSO week is the week you are contracted for, according to your TSO ownership certificate.
- If you wish to sell your apartment at Club La Santa, you can do so through the Resale Office.
- The ITSO Office takes care of everything from buying and selling, lost certificates, name changes, etc. The office is temporarily closed but you can still get in touch by contacting
- See the international ITSO page here

Is there anything else we can help you with? If so, feel free to get in touch!